Tuesday, October 31, 2006

1. Power Walkers

You see them everywhere. In the city, in the country, down every street and in every field. Power walkers.

I have never understood the lure of this bizarre practice. It's not walking, it's not running, and I'll be surprised if it's any better for you than either of the other two.

As a form of exercise, it may have its merits. But I don't see how it's better than a nice jog or a long (ordinary) walk. In fact there are some serious disadvantages to power walking.

1. It looks silly. Everyone's laughing at you.
2. It's not a real sport. Well it is... But nobody takes it seriously.
3. The equipment is too gay. A lycra body suit shouldn't be required. You're not cyclists or skiers.
4. It makes your arse look hugely prominent.
5. Did I mention it looks RIDICULOUS!?!?!?!?!?

If you want real exercise while walking, try what I do every week. I get off a bus in the centre of Cork city and walk out to where live, which is about two miles maybe. Not so hardcore so far, but wait, it gets better. Do this whilst carrying three bags laden with food, clothes, books, electrical equipment, and a Hallowe'en costume. I've weighed the lot and it amounts to almost twice my own body weight. Attempt to do this in less than half an hour (harder than it sounds, believe me) and without stopping for a rest.

Do this once a week and I guarantee you you'll be fitter than you would from power walking, without any of the hassle of looking stupid. Can you handle the pain? Yes? Now that's hardcore exercise.